Monday, March 8, 2010

J & B

Jaxon loves to hold Bridget. So when he does he annouces that he wants to & then runs to the couch in preparation. This time after I set her next to him he said take a picture.

(this is a good picture to see how big she is for being 4 1/2 mo. Jax is just a little bit over 2 1/2 yrs! She's such a chubby bunny girl)

This was Jaxons and Bridgets first bath together...she loved it! He like when she kicked her feet and splashed him. It makes me happy they enjoy each other so much.

Last month we were watching a family for a couple of days. One day while Jax was supposed to be laying down for a nap, I went in to check on him because the fan that I use to have white noise was turned off. I went into the room...he wasn't on the bed where I had left him after stories...he wasn't on his bed on the floor...he wasn't in bridgets pack in play... I couldn't find him! I was asking him where he was and usually in his games of hide and seek he makes it easy by saying..."I right here." But there was no response, I was then a little worried. I started to hear him breathing and began to look around the room...I wouldn't have thought there was anywhere to hide. The little rascal had fallen asleep behind the pot of a tree in the room. When I first found him you couldn't see the top of his head, just a little bit of his hand down by the face, but when I came back with the camera he had adjusted. But too funny, he feel asleep hiding!


Cassi @ Stop And Smell The Roses said...

LOL That is SO funny! What a funny little kid! I bet his little legs fell asleep sitting up like that! ;) Cute cute kids! They look so much a like. :)

Anonymous said...

When I was just looking at the pictures with Sadie I just thought he was hiding...I didn't realize he was sleeping! Too cute!! On a sad note...I can't BELIEVE that Bridget is 4 1/2 months old and I still haven't gotten to squeeze those chubby legs!! Seriously though, I don't know how old I was thinking Bridget was but I knew I didn't think she was that old!! I feel like such a bad aunt! We need to start arranging some trips STAT!! Miss you guys!

Ali said...

Cute! Reminds me of you. You would fall asleep like that in the funniest places. One time under Sondi's crib in our room during the same game. Another time under the big long dining room table drooling. I think I might have an old school photo from my Long skinny camera with the funny old school film. Don't know where it is though. I can't see your kids without thinking about you as a kid or baby. I used to like giving you baths and change your yucky diapers. Weird! I even had to clean up the yucky poopy artwork on the walls from both you and Sondi. Mom would make me and I'd get in trouble if I just left it in the crib and even more trouble if I didn't get the stuff that rolled underneath the crib. SICK! I was a good big sister for that alone! Happy Blowouts..neener neener Kai-Jeaner!

Michelle M said...

I love the picture of Jaxon and Bridget on the couch. They're both LOOKING AT THE CAMERA (which is a miracle on its own) and they both look cute!

HILARIOUS that he fell asleep being the plant.

Derrick M said...

Wow, that's funny about Jaxon falling asleep behind the tree! Thanks for all the great posts!

Joann said...

What a cute baby girl, I love her name Bridget. Awww, and the two of them get along that's so sweet. That's really funny you found Jaxon asleep, hiding. I think I did that as a kid too. And it's always in the weirdest places. I saw in an older post you guys went to Seaside for Christmas, burrrrr. The coast is so cold even in June but beautiful. But I love Seaside, we're spending the fourth of July there this year and camp out on the beach. Have fun with you cute kiddos and we'll keep checking to see what your up to. You guys are awesome!