Wednesday, October 22, 2008

what color? updated

[it's not a very good picture, 'cause I ran out took it really quick and ran back in to post it for you :), I'll take a better one later :)] Thank you all for your opinion, it was a toss up for us and Will made the final vote since it was 50/50. We are happy with the results :)

the front door and shutters are now painted a very dark brown...(bitter chocolate) now it's time for the garage doors, my first instinct was to paint them dark too, I think it would look cool. the other option is to paint them the lighter trim color....what do you think? I have to decide tomorrow :)


Anonymous said...

I vote the dark brown, but kip votes it looks like a toss up! By the way we are just a little EXCITED!

Chelsea said...

I think the lighter trim color

Kimberly said...

Funny that the first time I see your door painted it's here. By now, your garages are probably painted too. Maybe I'll drive by tomorrow! Thanks for the help with the jeans! PS. You're going to get a yummy yummy birthday cake!

J.J. said...

Lighter Trim Color...Dark Brown will age the house sooner. Trendy like the dark chocolate of the 70's. :)...But if you pick the Brown it will look fabulously in style for the 2008 fashionable elite! :) Luv ya. You'll make a great choice. I'd go for a Brick/Barn Red or Burgundy. Kinda flashy!

Cassi @ Stop And Smell The Roses said...

OK OK.... let's see the pics!!! Or did you paint yet? :)

Marci and Morgan said...

Yeah, I say light as well- although it looks like I'm about a week too late!! You'll like it better longer- and your house is so beautiful by the way.

Cassi @ Stop And Smell The Roses said...

Great choice! I was hoping you'd paint them the darker looks really nice. Hope you are doing well!

Anonymous said...

Love it, especially in person which we were able to see!!!

Michelle M said...


Lindsay said...

I like the colors you picked!

Cassi @ Stop And Smell The Roses said...

Kaili! I miss you too! And that little Jaxon... I bet he is way bigger than the last time I saw him :). I guess the Pampered Chef thing didn't work out for me... for some reason I couldn't get anyone to have a party for me, and believe me! I tried! Oh well... at least I got some cool kitchen gadgets for cheap! Hope you guys are having a good holiday season!