Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Weekend in Utah

This last weekend we went to Utah to visit our family and attend a friends wedding. Surprisingly, Jaxon was really good in the car. :) Will and I are extremely lucky to have such a wonderfully tempered little boy. Even if it was just for a little bit, we really enjoyed visiting our family and friends. Every moment counts, because really... you never know when you will see someone again. During the wedding, it really touched Will and I both when the sealer shared a story about just before his wife died..."I kissed my wife every night before we went to bed...the night before she passed I kissed her as usual and she said, 'Honey can I have another'... We should have happy good buys, because we never know when it will be our last."

It was such a beautiful time of year to visit the SLC Temple, the flowers were out in full color. Which created perfect family photo opportunities, hehe...

Yeah for SPRING! It's amazing how refreshing sun and flowers can be, I have learned to really appreciate them while they are around...because the time between is long and cold.

Blues eyes...
chicks dig it!

Jaxon's handsome blue eyes and infectious giggle get me everyday... it makes everything worth it.

Jax LoVes his cous' Ashlyn.

"Does this shirt make me look fat?" hehe... cute boy.

Saturday afternoon we went to visit the Powell family in Ogden. It was too cute when Jax could not get enough of Sandy...this little boys LOVES dogs!


J.J. said...

Jax has the perfect temperment to be a TV child star! You should start a portfolio and head to LA. :) I love my little nephew!! We will watch it "again!" because Ashlyn can't seem to get enough! Me either!


Melissa (Murdoch) McKinley said...

oh i love you kai!! i'm so glad you have a blog! your little man is such a cutie! even though we live far away, landon and jax are going to be bff's! :) you look beautiful. i miss you! xoxo

Unknown said...

Sadie wrote JAx a note..check it!